This One is For the Overthinkers
Our current culture has such an emphasis on self awareness. Do you know your horoscope, your enneagram, your Myers Briggs personality type? Have you spent time considering why you are the way you are? Certainly not everyone is the same and we are prone to act in ways that are unique to ourselves and consistent with our personality. One of our core needs is a sense of belonging and connectedness and we can only achieve that by being seen and known by others. This is helped greatly by knowing ourselves. While it is a gift to understand and know yourself, it also can be a self fulfilling prophecy. Once you've internally labeled yourself a certain way, now you've given yourself a stereotype. "I am an empath. I am a high achiever. I am indecisive. I am emotional. I am a nurturer. I am indifferent." Maybe you are those things. Maybe you are those things some of the time. Maybe you are those things in certain circumstances. Shoot, now it's not so straight forward ...