When Your Brain Keeps Talking

Who is in charge of the narrative in your head? And why does it keep talking?  Whether you pay attention to it or have learned to ignore it, everyone has an inner dialogue that influences their feelings, thoughts, moods and actions.  While we listen to it sometimes, we also look for ways to escape it as well.  Many people have found success through meditation as a way to calm the constant talking in their mind.  You can also use reading, cooking, running, or any form of activity that takes you away from the buzz and brings back the calm.

In addition to meditative or distractive activities, what process should we use to talk to our brain self?  There are a few keys here as well.

Treat your brain, and thoughts, as a separate entity from your true self.

Accept thoughts in your head as ideas that your brain has brought to you for consideration.  You may consider them, and you may discard them.  Thoughts are not facts.  They are the outcome of a complicated process your brain takes on to try to save you from danger. In this process, your brain looks out for worse case scenarios.  Most scenarios are not worse case scenarios.

Be aware of your thoughts and discard toxic ones immediately.

In addition, feelings are fickle and change often.  Thoughts can feed or take away from those feelings. Only you can be in charge of what thoughts you give power to.  Assume the best, or better yet, don't assume at all.  If things seem stable, fine, acceptable; if you seem happy, content, satisfied; accept that as the outcome!

It is difficult work to control your thoughts and to use your brainpower in a productive way but it can greatly enhance your life and those you are close to.  I am working hard on this today and you can to.

Thoughts of the day...


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